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"Life. Love. Expression. Poetry in Motion. Food. Music. Random. News. People. Events"

Reach Out Saturday, December 21, 2013 |

All I wanted was for you to reach out
It seemed like a blow
to know
that once I actually stood at that edge
once I had finally decided to let go
I still hoped
that you would
reach out
and bring me back

the fact
that you simply chose to ignore
my cry for help

Waving it away
as if everything would resolve on its own

You could have reached out
but you didn't

and that
was my affirmation

that final push


PRIDE Saturday, August 16, 2008 |


Behind the facade of our big egos we constantly do hide
And pride of five letters is only that just pride
And some will even tell you pride comes before a fall
From life we have been learning from before we learned to crawl,
The thing we refer to as pride not easily understood
A little pride is necessary but too much pride not good
Pride can lead to big egos and snobbish self conceit
A truly humble person is one you don't often meet
The self opinionated and self conceited never known to be rare
Those who promote their egos in the bigger World out there
From the seeds of a big ego success is often grown
A humble quiet achiever is one I have not known
A little pride is necessary and self esteem okay
But too much pride can lead to arrogance and that seems sad to say.

Francis Duggan

The Difference Between You and Me Saturday, July 26, 2008 |

I know when to choose to be with you..
You don't know when to choose me than to be with your friends.
I know when to let you give your full attention to your friends..
You don't know when to leave me be when i am with my friends.
When i sulk and and keep silent...sooner or later i will seek you to sort the problem out..
When you sulk and keep silent...you never seek me to sort the problem out.
I know when to joke and take you seriously..
You don't know when to joke and take me seriously.
I know that i love you endlessly
I don't know......

Out of Reach Saturday, May 12, 2007 |

I changed

I’m changing

You changed

You’re changing

It’s over

I’m letting you go too

I had no idea


When you walked away I felt sad.

I felt empty.

I felt loss.

Only realizing that I still cherished you in my heart

But it was too late.

And right now I just couldn’t;

I can’t

Deal with all this

I have always cherished you…

And there were always things unsaid between us

But I always held you

On this pedestal

Now it is no more.

I’ve loved you

Out of reach

And it’s funny

Because of everyone else involved

How we are all connected

Not just me, not just you.

And how you can’t have what you want

And how this caption flows and goes around in a cycle

It’s funny…

It’s sad…

You blamed me for something I did not know

You expected me to read your heart?

I couldn’t even read mine

And someone else came in and took it away

And you left

You left….

Thinking that I knew what was happening…why it happened…

Foolish…I didn’t….

Here's something for y'all=) Monday, April 30, 2007 |

I do My thing & you do Your thing,
I'm not in this world to live up to Your expectations,
And You're not in this world to live up to Mine,
You are You and I am I,
If by chance we meet,
It's Beautiful,
If not, it can't be helped.....

end.begin Friday, April 27, 2007 |

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Together Wednesday, April 25, 2007 |


Fill me with meaningful content

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" -Eleanor Roosevelt